Santa Cruz County Jails Review
There are eight detention facilities in Santa Cruz County:
·        Main Jail
·        Rountree Lane Medium Security
·        Rountree Lane Minimum Security
·        Juvenile Hall
·        Blaine Street Women’s Facility
·        Court Holding – Santa Cruz
·        Court Holding – Watsonville
·        Camp 45
Camp 45 is the responsibility of the California Department of Corrections while the other seven facilities are operated by the County of Santa Cruz and managed by the Sheriff’s Office. Juvenile Hall is operated by the Probation Department.
California Penal Code §919(b) mandates that the Grand Jury must inspect the conditions and management of all county jail facilities annually. The following reports detail the results of the 2007-2008 Grand Jury’s inspections.

Among the findings:

·        Overcrowding at the Main Jail is a serious issue. The Sheriff’s Office has joined with other community representatives to address this problem. While some progress has been made, overcrowding continues to negatively affect the Mail Jail’s operation.

·        Because several of the facilities are old, they need extensive and costly maintenance and repairs.